Anyway, I've been meaning to do a day in the life of the Carter's in photos, so without further ado, here is a typical day for us, Thursday, January 31...
Our day started out with me waking up late, due to a long night with a teething, fussy baby. When I finally got out of bed I realized that we were scheduled for a year book picture of all the faculty, missionaries and students at 9:00 AM. I had five minutes before picture time, and neither I nor any of the kids were dressed! So, we raced around, got everyone dressed up and ran down the hill for the group photo. We made just in time for the picture to be taken(and only 10 minutes late)!
We returned home for breakfast and then began to pack for our upcoming weekend in Manila for cultural training. We were leaving first thing the next morning, so I wanted to get everything in the car by that evening. Here's a picture of Wesley and Addie packing for our trip. They are like their mom; they love to pack!
After we finished packing, Chris returned home for lunch. We had spaghetti . Here is a picture of Hudson eating his noodles.
Meanwhile, Chris was busy teaching his two classes all afternoon. He is teaching Greek III and a class on the Pastoral Epistles this trimester. Here's a shot of Chris explaining some Greek grammar to his class.
After homeschool, I spent the rest of the afternoon setting up the house and getting ready for Bible Club. I also managed to do a little baking and to start a few things for dinner. Here I am stating a loaf of bread in our bread machine.
Chris came home from teaching at about 5:00 PM. He helped out by finishing the dinner that I started while I watched the kids and finished getting out craft supplies for Bible Club. Here is Chris cooking the pork chops we had for dinner.
After Bible Club, we got Wesley, Adelaide and Hudson in bed and finished up packing the car. Then Chris and I watched an episode of Star Trek Voyager on DVD (that we borrowed from another missionary family here) before heading off to bed. It was a pretty full day, but that is what most Thursdays look like for us.
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