The end of the trimester is rapidly approaching and thus, our schedule is getting busier. The last couple of weeks have flown bye at warp speed. Chris has been busy grading rough draft of his hermeneutics papers. He is also busy writing the final exam for next week. Additionally, we had several big faculty and missionary meetings.
Along with meetings and school work, we hosted the monthly faculty prayer meeting at our house. We had about 20 faculty members over for a time of prayer, and of course, food. I provided fruit, deviled eggs, home made raisin bread, cookies and cherry chewbilees. The meeting went well and everyone enjoyed the "merienda" (snack).
To add to the crazy busyness, last week started for me (Lindsey) with a scratch on my cornea. Hudson woke up in the middle of the night crying and flinging his arms about. In one such swipe of the arm he manged to scratch my eye with his finger nail. I went to the doctor the next morning and was surprised to discover my vision was blurred in that eye. The doctor prescribed antibiotic eye drops and had me keep it covered with an eye pad. When I came home with one eye covered, I told Wesley that I was a pirate! After much prayer and 4 days of eye drops, I returned to the doctor. Thankfully, my eye is completely healed. I never knew how important two eyes are for depth prescription. I am relieved to be able to see clearly again!
This weekend we are off to the beach for our faculty retreat. I write more about that in the next blog.
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