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Friday, January 4, 2008

Happy New Year!

Horns blearing, yelling, banging, and the exploding of fireworks, what do all of theses things have in common? The answer is New Years Eve in the Philippines! We discovered this custom for ourselves just a few nights ago.
As midnight approached the noise from all around the city grew. At the stroke of twelve we could here it crescendo, even though we are somewhat insulated from the sound as we were inside our house on campus, which is on the outer edge of town. Are New Years Eve was spent in a somewhat less traditional fashion. No one even banged on the pots and pans. Instead we invited over several other faculty members and missionaries for a potluck Mexican dinner. We enjoyed some great food and a long night of talking as we welcomed in 2008. Chris and I are looking forward to our first full year in the Philippines.

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