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Saturday, January 26, 2008


This week was the school’s annual lectureship. Chris invited a former professor of his, Dr. Benny Aker to speak and he graciously accepted. So, we spent a very busy week, especially for Chris, at the lectureship. He had morning lectures, afternoon faculty paper presentations, including one given by Chris, and evening round table discussions. Of course, he still had his regular classes to teach, too.
We enjoyed getting to see Dr. Aker again. According to Chris, his lectures were stimulating and relevant. It was a worthwhile week of learning for students and faculty alike.
I had a busy week with all the usual stuff. I also started out the week with a terrible sore throat, but thank the Lord we are all well again! So, I was able to go to church after being away for 3 weeks with various rounds of illnesses. It was good to worship together with fellow believers.

1 comment:

Julio Benitez said...

Hey Chris - Are the lectures available through pod-cast or any other form of audio media?